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If the answer is YES, I celebrate you, but if the answer is NO... read on...

Palm Trees

The Truth is...

Success leaves clues…

It is safe to say there are many definitions of success. The Dictionary defines success as: the favourable or prosperous termination of attempts or endeavors. This can be applied to many aspects of life, and one may be successful in one arena of life (say business) and fail miserably in another area (say health or relationships) or vice versa. But the same core principles for 'success' apply in all areas.

Successful people do indeed leave clues about how they are successful, and you probably have no doubt that if anyone else is successful in life, that you can be too? Yet, it seems to be an elusive thing for many. Often people don’t know where to find the clues to be massively successful.

You may think that what’s preventing you from achieving your Big Ideas, Dreams and Goals is something outside of your control. It’s certainly easy to blame others or circumstances for lack of success in life and business.


Ultimately success is an “inside” game.

If you want to know how to elevate your mind-set, health, life and income to the next level of success, stay tuned.

And for a touch of adventure feel free to follow my MAKARA Sea Nomads Blog as we embark on a family adventure of a lifetime.

Health Coach, Truth Seeker, Traveller &  Entrepreneur

What I can do to help you:

  • Successful Health & Nutrition

  • Success Mindset & Inner Calm

  • Life-by-Design

  • A little inspiration at my MAKARA SEA NOMADS blog

Health, Nutrition and Homeopathy

Nutrition, hydration, exercise and rest are all key to restoring the vitality and energy needed for true success. It forms a solid base to build on and it is essential when it comes to optimising overall health - it doesn't matter if the goal is weight loss, more energy, better sleep,  happier mood, building muscle, increasing sports performance or even making more money - the same principles apply. 


If you are 1 year old or a 100 years old - without supplying your body consistently with the necessary healthy and balanced nutritional building blocks, and staying sufficiently hydrated, while negating the effects of internal and external stressors, or balancing our life-force or energies, our bodies will struggle to stay in balance... and if we fall out of balance for prolonged periods of time, as people often do in our modern world... with stress and anxieties mounting... our bodies become compromised and run down and at increased risk of DIS-EASE.

I help clients find effective and practical ways to improve and even optimise their nutrition and health using tolls such as nutrition, supplementation (when needed), homeopathy, and critically taking ownership of their health and wellbeing.  Successful health and vitality is a mindset, a lifestyle, not something you do occasionally. Your health, body and mind are your greatest assets in life... love yourself enough to look after them properly.

Fruit Shake

Success Mindset

Why do the vast majority of people not have the life that they really want?

Simple... The number 1 reason most people don't get what they really want in life is because they focus so much of their thoughts and their mental energy on what they don't want.


The real key to success though is to focus on what you really do want! And then take action.

Here are three powerful reflections:

#1 Success is rarely about your resources, it's mostly about your resourcefulness.

Many people believe that they need to have a sizable chunk of money, the right connections or a college degree before they can even begin to think about making their dreams a reality. But this couldn't be further from the truth.  Rather than let your lack of resources stop you, see it as a challenge to get creative :)

#2 Don't let "I don't know how" stop you from learning how.

There's a quote that I love by a Vietnamese monk named Thich Nhat Hanh: 
"People have a hard time letting go of their suffering. Out of a fear of the unknown, they prefer suffering that is familiar."

#3 Create a positive “Circle of Impact.”

Want to take your health, income, business, career, or love life to the next level? You don't have to have all of the answers, or even a crystal clear plan.
But it is downright crucial that you surround yourself with people who will mentor you and support you to stay in action and live your very best life. 


Remember: Success leaves clues.



How do you build a well-lived and joyful life? Is this even possible?


Many people have asked this question over the ages and there are even a few well written books on the subject. Such as the book by the very name 'Designing Your Life: How to Build a Well-Lived, Joyful Life' written by Stanford University based Bill Burnett and Dave Evans that show us how design thinking can help us create a life that is both meaningful and fulfilling, regardless of who or where we are, what we do or have done for a living, or how young or old we are. 


Another amazing author and teacher on this subject is Dr Joe Dispenza, who has written truly groundbreaking books such as 'Breaking the habit of being yourself' and 'Becoming Supernatural' that help guide you towards tapping into the quantum field of unlimited potential and power through mind and heart coherence to create the vision of your future you dream of.


Life is uncertain... That is fact... There will always be unexpected bumps along the way that you couldn’t have possibly anticipated. Just look at the world we find ourselves in right now... unrecognisable to the one we knew before 2020. How do you navigate all this un-certainty, let alone design a life of fulfilment and success? 

If you are ready to live a life by design and want some support to tap into your true deeper genius and unlimited potential, or even just take your life to the next level, then get in touch. Remember its not about perfection, but rather about progress.

Richard Branson famously said: 'If someone offers you an AMAZING opportunity, but you are not sure you can dot it, say YES - Then learn how to do it later.'

Team work

Let's talk success, health, relationships, income and life solutions.

If you want to take your life to a new level get in touch. Let’s do great things together.



and what I can do for you

I've been driven by a few primary questions since I was a little girl?


'What is a magnificent life? And how do I create one?'

These questions made me a passionate dedicated student of life and ‘success’, and through trial, error and persistence I started to unlock the secrets of my own ‘beautiful’ life. I continue to be a passionate student of success principles, and have been fortunate enough to be mentored by world leaders in this field and super successful entrepreneurs such as Tony Robbins, Dean Graziosi, Allison Armstrong, Keith Cunningham, Sheila Kelley and others. Sharing what I know is my mission.


I am the proud founder of SOUKYA.LIFE


I help people like you use practical tools to shift their focus, raise their mind-set, improve their health and find more energy and joy in their day to day living, so they can more effectively design a life of their dreams.

I understand many of the challenges that my clients face today, as I have faced many of these challenges myself, which is a great starting point for game-changing conversations.


As a BANT registered nutritional therapist, a professional homeopath, a mindset, wellness and success coach I use these skills to help hundreds of people elevate their health, mindset and lives to the next level.  

Fun fact: SOUKYA is derived from the Sanskrit word 'Soukhyam' which means well being and a balanced state of the mind, body and spirit. In some parts of India it is used as a greeting as: 'Are you well?' 

"Reject your sense of injury, and the injury itself disappears"

Marcus Aurelius

Floating Bubble


For more information about Soukya.Life - my programs, activities, services and more, don’t hesitate to contact me!

Holly Hill Lane,

Southampton ,O31 7ZN , United Kingdom


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Rustic Beach Path
Forest Trees

“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of the Universe. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of 'God' that is within us. It's not just in some of us; it's in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.”

Our Deepest Fear...

by Marianne Williamson


live a more fullfilled and vibrant life

Optimising health, creating balance, shifting from scarcity mindset to abundance and inspiring success. I am on mission to show each client the incredible natural powers and potential they hold within and help them transform their health, success and lives for the better.

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